What Unconventional Sales Strategies Have Small Business Owners Tried?

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    Small Biz Digest

    What Unconventional Sales Strategies Have Small Business Owners Tried?

    In search of innovative tactics to boost sales, we reached out to small business owners for their most unconventional strategies. From personalizing automation to engage clients to leveraging flash sales for customer acquisition, here are eleven unique insights provided by Founders, CEOs, and other leading figures in the business world.

    • Personalize Automation for Client Engagement
    • Free Content Builds Trust and Authority
    • Free Website Reviews Attract Clients
    • Flash Sale Happy Hour Drives Traffic
    • Mentorship Program Develops Loyal Talent
    • Digital Detox Workshops Reveal Web Solutions
    • User-Generated Content Creates FOMO
    • Experience-Based Software Trials Convert Users
    • High Pricing Filters Quality Leads
    • Community Design Contest Boosts Engagement
    • Flash Sales Surge Customer Acquisition

    Personalize Automation for Client Engagement

    One unconventional sales strategy I tried at Design Hero was using automation to make our marketing more personal. Instead of sending the same emails to everyone, we customized messages based on each client's journey with us.

    We used tools like ClickUp to manage projects and Calendly to schedule meetings. These tools helped us save time and focus on bigger tasks. For example, a new lead would get a friendly welcome email with a special offer, while a returning client might receive a follow-up on their last project.

    The results were great. Our process became smoother, and we saw a 25% increase in client engagement. Automation helped us keep a personal touch while reaching more people, showing that even small businesses can benefit from smart, automated marketing.

    Nicholas Robb
    Nicholas RobbHead Honcho, Design Hero

    Free Content Builds Trust and Authority

    An unconventional sales strategy I've used is creating free online courses and content to attract ideal customers. I built an email list of over 20,000 people by providing valuable content on e-commerce and business.

    When I launched a paid course, over 1,000 customers bought immediately. The key was spending years building trust and authority so that when I offered something paid, customers knew the value.

    Another strategy is cold-calling companies that would benefit greatly from our services. I called CEOs of fast-growing D2C companies and offered free consulting. If we helped them, many signed on as clients. People rarely cold-call anymore, so it stood out.

    We now get 60-70% of our customers through referrals. The key to referral marketing is over-delivering value. One client's referral led to a $120K services contract. Unconventional strategies pay off when you provide real value.

    Will Mitchell
    Will MitchellFounder, StartupBros

    Free Website Reviews Attract Clients

    As the founder of a digital marketing agency, one unconventional sales strategy that has worked for us is offering free website reviews. We thoroughly audit a prospect's website and provide a detailed report on ways to improve user experience, search engine optimization, and lead conversion. While time-consuming, these reviews demonstrate our expertise and often lead to long-term clients. Over 60% of businesses we review end up hiring us for website design, content creation, or digital marketing services within 6-12 months.

    For example, a local retailer was struggling with a dated website and declining sales. Our review revealed major issues hindering their online visibility and customer engagement. Though revamping their site was not urgent, the owners appreciated our strategic insights and trusted our recommendations. They hired us to redesign their website, and sales soared over 30% in the first month. Stories like this repeat often, showing how providing value upfront can build trust and ongoing partnerships.

    My advice for service-based businesses is to find ways to interact directly with your target clients and provide education or resources demonstrating your abilities. While time-intensive, these outreach efforts generate goodwill, word-of-mouth marketing, and new opportunities. The key is choosing a format tailored to your unique skills and services. For us, website reviews have been a perfect fit, but for others, educational webinars, free consultations, or product samples may resonate more with their audience.

    Brian Kratt
    Brian KrattFounder and CEO, Plumb Development, Inc

    Flash Sale Happy Hour Drives Traffic

    As a small business owner familiar with retail dynamics, I once experimented with a quirky 'Flash Sale Happy Hour' concept where we offered steep discounts for just one hour every Friday evening. The goal was to create a buzz and drive traffic during typically slower hours. Surprisingly, it not only brought in new customers who were eager to catch the deal but also increased our average sales per customer as they often picked up additional items. It was a fun way to inject energy into our weekends and taught me that timing and a bit of excitement can be powerful tools in driving sales and customer loyalty.

    Josh Burris
    Josh BurrisCEO, STNDRD

    Mentorship Program Develops Loyal Talent

    As the founder of a digital marketing agency, an unconventional strategy we used was creating a mentorship program for college students. We recruited marketing students as interns to help with various agency tasks, then invested heavily in training and developing their skills. In exchange, we asked them to commit to working with us for at least one year after graduating.

    This program has been hugely successful. Over 50% of our interns stayed on as full-time employees, already familiar with our processes and clients. The mentorship also gave the interns a valuable career springboard, with many moving into senior roles quickly. For our agency, the strategy built a pipeline of knowledgeable, loyal talent and reduced turnover costs.

    For example, one intern started managing social media accounts after six months of mentorship. Her campaigns drove a 32% increase in traffic and $850K in new revenue for a major client. Stories like this show how mentorship programs that invest in developing talent can benefit both companies and individuals. The key is finding people with potential, then providing the guidance and opportunities they need to thrive.

    Chase Chappell
    Chase ChappellFounder, Sirge

    Digital Detox Workshops Reveal Web Solutions

    One unconventional sales strategy I tried was hosting "Digital Detox" workshops specifically for stressed-out professionals. Now, you might wonder why a website development agency would encourage people to unplug. Here's the kicker: while attendees came in thinking they'd learn how to disconnect, we subtly integrated how our web services could help them manage their online presence more efficiently and keep stress at bay. The results were impressive—some participants realized the importance of an effective, manageable digital strategy, and three of them contacted us in the months that followed.

    Patrick Deja
    Patrick DejaCEO & Founder, Codi.pro

    User-Generated Content Creates FOMO

    Leveraging user-generated content to create FOMO (fear of missing out) can be a game-changing sales strategy for small businesses. As the founder of 3RD ROCK, I stumbled upon this unconventional approach when we were struggling to break into the saturated activewear market. We decided to turn our customers into our best marketers by encouraging them to share their 'adventure moments' wearing our gear.

    We created a hashtag #3RDROCKAdventures and featured the best posts on our website and social media. The result? An explosion of authentic content showing our products in action. One particularly viral post showed a customer wearing our versatile leggings while rock climbing in the morning and then going straight to a business meeting in the afternoon.

    This strategy not only saved us marketing dollars but also created a sense of FOMO among our target audience. They saw real people having amazing experiences in our gear and wanted to be part of it. Our sales increased by 40% in just three months, and our social media following doubled. It taught me that sometimes, the most powerful sales tool is simply showcasing the lifestyle your product enables.

    Jessica Mor
    Jessica MorFounder, 3RD ROCK Clothing

    Experience-Based Software Trials Convert Users

    We ventured into an unconventional sales strategy by integrating our digital signage software directly into the environments where it would be most utilized—like co-working spaces and small business hubs—free of charge for a limited period. This hands-on approach allowed potential clients to experience the immediate benefits of our software in real-time, without any commitments.

    The results were incredibly positive. Engagement levels soared as users interacted more with the content, leading many to transition into paying customers. A particularly memorable moment was when a small coffee shop used our software to display promotions and saw a 30% increase in sales of the featured items. This direct impact on their revenue made the decision to adopt our platform a no-brainer. It's a powerful example of how allowing customers to experience your product in their daily operations can turn into long-term business gains.

    Mark McDermott
    Mark McDermottCEO & Co-Founder, ScreenCloud

    High Pricing Filters Quality Leads

    I took a bold approach to pricing: I intentionally set my rates three times higher than my competitors'. While this might seem counterintuitive, it was a calculated move designed to spark conversation and ultimately showcase the unique value my company brings to the table.

    The Results:

    Higher Quality Leads: Surprisingly, the higher price tag acted as a filter, attracting clients who were serious about investing in high-quality solutions and valued expertise over simply finding the cheapest option.

    Deeper Conversations: The price difference inevitably became a talking point, opening the door for me to delve into the specifics of our services, our unique value proposition, and the long-term benefits clients would gain from working with us.

    Increased Perceived Value: By thoroughly explaining our process, showcasing past successes, and emphasizing our commitment to customer satisfaction, we were able to justify our pricing and create a perception of greater value in the minds of prospects.

    Stronger Relationships: This approach fostered deeper conversations and allowed us to build stronger relationships with potential clients, based on trust and mutual understanding.

    Negotiation Power: Even when offering discounts to align with competitor pricing, we had the upper hand in negotiations. By starting high, we created the perception of added value, making the final price seem like a bargain.

    Lessons Learned:

    Don't be afraid to challenge conventions: Sometimes, taking a bold approach can yield unexpected results.

    Focus on value, not just price: Clearly communicate the unique benefits and ROI your company offers to justify your pricing.

    Use pricing as a conversation starter: Be prepared to explain your pricing strategy and showcase your value proposition in detail.

    Build relationships: Don't just focus on closing deals. Invest time in building relationships with potential clients based on trust and mutual understanding.

    This unconventional pricing strategy may not be for everyone, but it worked wonders for my business. It allowed us to attract higher quality leads, build stronger relationships, and ultimately close more deals at a higher profit margin.

    Stephan KoningVP of Sales

    Community Design Contest Boosts Engagement

    One unconventional sales strategy that worked for us at PinProsPlus was hosting a community design contest for new pin ideas. This not only engaged our customers creatively but also generated excitement and buzz around our brand. The winning designs were then produced and sold, leading to a 20% increase in sales. This approach fostered a sense of community and directly involved our customers in the creative process, making them more invested in our products.

    Bradley Fry
    Bradley FryOwner, PinProsPlus

    Flash Sales Surge Customer Acquisition

    As an entrepreneur, I've found that offering highly discounted 'flash sales' of our premium LED light therapy masks to be an unconventional but successful sales strategy. Last Black Friday, we offered our masks at 60% off for 24 hours and sold over 10,000 units, exceeding our sales goals for the entire quarter. The deep discount attracted many first-time customers who likely wouldn't have purchased at full price.

    We also regularly offer limited-time promo codes for 30-40% off to our email list and social media followers. The time-sensitive nature of these promotions creates a sense of urgency, driving customers to purchase right away to take advantage of the savings. On average, our promo codes result in a 350% increase in sales for the duration of the promotion.

    While discounting risks lowering our profit margins, the surge in new customers and boosted brand awareness more than make up for it. The key is to not offer discounts too frequently, choose strategic times like holidays or product launches, and promote heavily to maximize sales. For any business, flash sales and time-sensitive promotions can be an unconventional way to rapidly acquire new customers and exceed typical sales targets.

    Ashley Gawley
    Ashley GawleyCEO, Glow Theraphy