What Lessons Have Small Business Owners Learned the Hard Way?

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    Small Biz Digest

    What Lessons Have Small Business Owners Learned the Hard Way?

    Drawing from a wealth of hard-earned wisdom, we've gathered the candid lessons of seasoned CEOs and Founders to illuminate the path for fellow business consultants. From the importance of prioritizing clear, constant communication to analyzing geopolitical factors on supply chains, explore the diverse insights from thirty-one experts on the lessons that have profoundly shaped their professional journeys.

    • Prioritize Clear, Constant Communication
    • Always Secure a Retainer or Contract
    • Adopt a Flexible Subscription Model
    • Set Clear Expectations and Boundaries
    • Emphasize Active Listening with Clients
    • Focus on Scalable Growth
    • Involve Customers in Product Development
    • Adopt a Data-Driven Sustainability Approach
    • Look Beyond Obvious Solutions
    • Understand Client's Culture for Change
    • Trust but Verify Team Progress
    • Implement Thorough Candidate Vetting
    • Balance Efficiency with Employee Training
    • Respect Cultural Nuances in Consulting
    • Select Clients with Aligned Goals
    • Maintain a Backup Payment Option
    • Foster a Safe Space for Innovation
    • Prioritize Data Security and Risk Mitigation
    • Commit to Transparency and Honesty
    • Understand Customer Segmentation for Marketing
    • Plan Early for Business Succession
    • Build Long-Term Client Relationships
    • Address Client's Specific Pain Points
    • Diversify Marketing Channels for Resilience
    • Adopt a Client-Centric Strategy Approach
    • Integrate Customer Feedback into Strategy
    • Begin Engagements with Clear Goals
    • Ensure Client Expectations Are Understood
    • Prioritize Active Listening for Tailored Solutions
    • Conduct Rigorous Due Diligence on Partners
    • Analyze Geopolitical Factors on Supply Chains

    Prioritize Clear, Constant Communication

    One lesson I learned the hard way is the importance of clear and constant communication. Early in my consulting career, a project failed due to assumptions and a lack of regular updates. This experience taught me that effective communication is critical to understanding client needs, setting expectations, and preventing misunderstandings.

    Now, I prioritize transparency and frequent check-ins, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned and informed throughout the process. This proactive approach not only builds trust but also leads to more successful and collaborative outcomes, reinforcing the value of open dialogue in any consulting engagement.

    Bhavik Sarkhedi
    Bhavik SarkhediCMO, Write Right

    Always Secure a Retainer or Contract

    The paramount importance of never commencing work without a retainer or a contract in place cannot be overstated. This practice has shaped my approach significantly, embedding a discipline of establishing clear legal agreements before any work begins. Doing so not only ensures that the scope, deliverables, timelines, and financials are clearly defined and agreed upon, but also provides a legal safeguard for both parties involved.

    Using this fail-proof method has instilled a level of professionalism and trust in my client relationships, ensuring that expectations are aligned from the outset and reducing the potential for disputes. This foundational step has become an indispensable part of my consulting process, reinforcing the value of mutual respect and commitment in every professional engagement.

    Michael Lazar
    Michael LazarCEO, Content Author

    Adopt a Flexible Subscription Model

    In the world of UI/UX design, we understand the importance of flexibility and customization. While we offer core design services, we've learned that a rigid, one-size-fits-all approach can limit our ability to serve clients effectively.

    That's why we've embraced a subscription model. This allows us to tailor our services to each client's specific needs and project scope. This flexibility fosters stronger partnerships and ensures our clients receive the ongoing design support they need to thrive.

    Juan Carlos Munoz
    Juan Carlos MunozCo-Founder, CC Creative Design

    Set Clear Expectations and Boundaries

    One lesson I learned the hard way is the importance of setting clear expectations and boundaries with clients from the outset. Early in my career, I took on a consulting project with a client who had ambitious goals and a tight timeline. Eager to impress, I agreed to their terms without fully considering the scope of work and the resources required.

    As the project progressed, the client’s expectations grew, and the scope began to creep beyond the initial agreement. Despite our best efforts, the lack of clear boundaries led to extended work hours, team burnout, and ultimately, a strained relationship with the client. The project was completed, but it left both parties dissatisfied and taught me a crucial lesson.

    Since then, I’ve made it a point to have detailed initial discussions with clients to define the project scope, deliverables, and timelines clearly. I ensure that both parties understand and agree on what is achievable within the given constraints. Regular check-ins and updates are also part of my approach to keep the project on track and address any issues promptly.

    Niclas Schlopsna
    Niclas SchlopsnaManaging Consultant and CEO, spectup

    Emphasize Active Listening with Clients

    One lesson I learned the hard way was the importance of clear and effective communication with clients. Early on in my career, I had a project where the client had a specific vision in mind for their website, but I failed to fully understand and communicate their needs to my team. As a result, we ended up with multiple rounds of revisions, missed deadlines, and frustrated clients.

    This experience taught me the importance of actively listening to clients, asking clarifying questions, and setting clear expectations from the start.

    I now make it a priority to have thorough discussions with clients before beginning any project, ensuring that we have a shared understanding of their goals, preferences, and expectations. I also emphasize the importance of regular communication and updates throughout the project to keep clients informed and involved in the process.

    Tom Molnar
    Tom MolnarOperations Manager, Fit Design

    Focus on Scalable Growth

    One hard-learned lesson at Pixune was the importance of prioritizing scalability over rapid expansion. Initially, we focused on securing numerous projects quickly, neglecting the infrastructure needed to sustain growth. This led to inefficiencies, quality compromises, and overwhelmed teams. We learned to pace growth strategically, investing in scalable processes and talent development. By nurturing a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability, we ensure sustainable expansion while maintaining our commitment to creativity and quality. This approach fosters long-term success and strengthens our position as leaders in the dynamic and competitive landscape of 3D animation and game art.

    Mohammad Goodarzi
    Mohammad GoodarziCo-Founder, Pixune Studios

    Involve Customers in Product Development

    We embarked on a journey of iterative product development. The lesson we learned the hard way was to always listen to our little customers. One particular instance stands out—when we launched a new line of superhero-themed T-shirts without consulting the kids. The sales were disappointing, and we realized our mistake.

    This experience shaped our approach to involve kids in the design process. We conducted fun focus groups and surveys to gather their preferences. The result? A new collection of interactive glow-in-the-dark T-shirts that became an instant hit! Our sales increased by 30%, proving that kids know best when it comes to what they want to wear.

    As we continue to iterate and innovate, we keep in mind the wise words of Walt Disney: "You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality." Our little customers are at the heart of everything we do, guiding us towards success in the ever-evolving world of children's fashion.

    Nikhil Soni
    Nikhil SoniFounder, The Tribe Kids

    Adopt a Data-Driven Sustainability Approach

    One of the hardest lessons we learned was that the 'greenest' solution isn't always the most effective. We once convinced a client to switch to bio-plastic packaging for their product, convinced it was the 'eco-friendly' choice. However, the bio-plastic was more expensive, less durable, and ultimately led to a higher return rate due to damaged products. This resulted in a 73% increase in overall waste because of the higher number of replacements needed. It was a huge wake-up call. Now, we approach sustainability with a data-driven mindset.

    We focus on understanding the entire lifecycle of a product, from sourcing to disposal, and consider the environmental impact at each stage. We then explore a range of solutions, evaluating them based on their actual environmental impact, cost, and feasibility for the client's business. This approach has led to a 49.87% reduction in our client’s overall environmental footprint, compared to their initial plans. True sustainability involves considering the broader impact, not just choosing the most environmentally friendly option on the surface. It's about finding solutions that are both effective and sustainable and that make sense for the business.

    Chaitsi Ahuja
    Chaitsi AhujaFounder & CEO, Brown Living

    Look Beyond Obvious Solutions

    One lesson learned the hard way is that the most obvious solution isn't always the best one. Early in my career, I often went with what seemed like the simplest fix for complex problems, thinking it would save time and resources. However, I found that quick fixes often led to bigger issues down the line. This experience taught me the value of thorough analysis and considering multiple perspectives before making decisions.

    Now, I approach every challenge by looking beyond the surface. I dig deeper into the root causes and consider various scenarios. This mindset has helped me develop more sustainable solutions and avoid costly mistakes. It has also reinforced the importance of patience and critical thinking in driving business success, helping me deliver truly effective and innovative solutions for clients and users of Lido.app.

    Mary Tung
    Mary TungFounder & CEO, Lido.app

    Understand Client's Culture for Change

    One important thing I’ve learned through difficult experiences is the necessity of thoroughly understanding a client’s business culture and internal dynamics before suggesting any major changes. In my early career, I thought that a well-designed, data-driven strategy would be sufficient for driving transformation. However, I soon found out that without taking into account an organization’s unique cultural and interpersonal elements, even the greatest plans can meet with resistance or be poorly executed.

    This taught me the significance of delving deep into a client’s internal terrain. In my consulting approach now, I prioritize cultural assessments and stakeholder involvement. This ensures not just technical validity but also political and social acceptability of any proposed actions. By adopting such an attitude, I have witnessed better project deliveries coupled with stronger partnerships with clients, thus making my interventions more impactful overall.

    Khurram Mir
    Khurram MirFounder and Chief Marketing Officer, Kualitatem Inc

    Trust but Verify Team Progress

    Trust but Verify

    In my early years as a business consultant, I took everything clients and team members said at face value. I trusted everyone to uphold their responsibilities without double-checking. One instance involved a major campaign where I relied on a team member's word that all deliverables were on track. The deadline arrived, and nothing was ready. We had to scramble to get things done, and the quality suffered. It was a harsh wake-up call.

    Now, my approach is more thorough. I trust my team but always verify their progress. Regular check-ins and progress updates are non-negotiable. This shift has significantly improved project outcomes and team accountability. It's not about micromanaging; it's about ensuring excellence and maintaining trust with clients.

    Jessica Bane
    Jessica BaneOperations Director, GoPromotional

    Implement Thorough Candidate Vetting

    One lesson I learned the hard way as the owner of a recruiting platform is the importance of thorough candidate vetting. Early in our operations, I made the mistake of prioritizing speed over quality, which led to several poor hires for our clients. These mismatches not only cost us business but also damaged our reputation.

    This experience taught me the critical value of a meticulous screening process. Now, we invest considerable time and resources in vetting candidates, including in-depth interviews, skills assessments, and reference checks. This rigorous approach ensures that we connect our clients with the best possible talent, ultimately leading to higher satisfaction and long-term success for both parties.

    Amit Doshi
    Amit DoshiFounder & CEO, MyTurn

    Balance Efficiency with Employee Training

    You learn from every client in this business, but one mistake at Network Logic stuck with me for a long time. We were working with a small Texas manufacturer that was all about efficiency: lean processes and lower costs. Sure, we saved them money, but they were also cutting back on employee training—this was a big mistake. Safety incidents increased, and morale dropped.

    This experience taught me one of life’s most important lessons: Sustainability isn’t just about the bottom line. It’s about balancing your fuel tank and ensuring you’re not running out of fuel. At Fuel Logic, we’re all about helping businesses run more efficiently, but we don’t forget about the people. Happy people lead to a more sustainable business, and that’s what I’m preaching right now.

    Eliot Vancil
    Eliot VancilCEO, Fuel Logic

    Respect Cultural Nuances in Consulting

    One thing I discovered the hard way was how important cultural nuances are in international consulting. When I was working with a Japanese customer early in my career, I unintentionally upset a significant stakeholder by being too forthright at a meeting. This cultural error almost ruined our project. It was a sobering lesson that not everything that works in one setting will certainly work in another.

    I came to understand the value of cultural sensitivity and adaptability after that event. Now, I take the time to learn about the business etiquette and cultural values of my new overseas clients. This preparation includes speaking with local experts and possibly even enrolling in language classes to demonstrate respect and effort toward closing the cultural gap.

    This increased understanding of cultural differences has greatly influenced my consulting style and helped me establish rapport with a wider range of clients.

    Justin Crabbe
    Justin CrabbeCEO, BlackJet

    Select Clients with Aligned Goals

    Not All Clients Are a Good Fit.

    In the early days, I was eager to please and took on any project that came my way—a mistake. I ended up working with clients whose goals didn't align with my expertise or, worse, who had unrealistic expectations. The projects were frustrating, the results were subpar, and they hurt my reputation.

    Remember, business is a two-way street. By carefully selecting clients and fostering open communication, I can build strong working relationships and deliver impactful results that benefit both my clients and my business.

    Shane McEvoy
    Shane McEvoyMD, Flycast Media

    Maintain a Backup Payment Option

    One lesson I learned the hard way was to always have a credit card on file for my clients. I worked with a client for almost a year, talking with him multiple times per week. During our last discussions, I mentioned a couple of outstanding bills, but I trusted him and let those lapse for a little too long. Eventually, he 'ghosted' me, no longer responding to calls and emails. My only other option was to sue, but I didn't want to take it that far. Now, no matter the client, I always have a backup payment option if they decide to cease paying their invoices.

    Jeff Michael
    Jeff MichaelEcommerce Business Owner, Supplement Warehouse

    Foster a Safe Space for Innovation

    One lesson I learned the hard way is that innovation truly requires a safe space. In the early days of Southwestern Rugs Depot, I tried to push for rapid changes and new ideas without creating an environment where my team felt comfortable taking risks and sharing their thoughts. This led to a lot of hesitation and missed opportunities because people were afraid of making mistakes or suggesting something that might not work. I realized that for innovation to thrive, everyone needs to feel secure enough to speak up and experiment without the fear of being penalized for failures.

    Now, I make it a point to foster an open environment where ideas are welcomed and mistakes are seen as learning opportunities. This shift has had a tremendous impact on our business. We've seen more creativity, better problem-solving, and a greater sense of ownership among team members. It taught me that creating a safe space for innovation isn't just about being open to new ideas; it's about actively encouraging them and supporting the people behind those ideas.

    Connor Butterworth
    Connor ButterworthCEO & Owner, Southwestern Rugs Depot

    Prioritize Data Security and Risk Mitigation

    One lesson I learned the hard way in the health IT industry is the crucial importance of risk mitigation strategies, specifically in protecting sensitive data. Early in my career, I worked on a project for a healthcare provider that didn't emphasize data security adequately. We faced a cyberattack within a few months of the software going live, resulting in a significant breach of patient data. The consequences were severe, including potential lawsuits and a major hit to the client's reputation.

    Since then, I’ve prioritized rigorous risk mitigation measures in all projects. For example, when outsourcing software development, I always ensure the selected company has robust security protocols and complies with industry standards like HIPAA. One recent case involved developing a telehealth application where we insisted on end-to-end encryption and regular security audits. This proactive approach not only protected patient data but also instilled confidence in the users, leading to the application's widespread adoption.

    Moreover, I emphasize the need for continuous security updates and ongoing support from developers. Hackers frequently evolve their tactics, and staying ahead requires regular software updates. For a digital transformation project in a mid-sized hospital, we established a timeline for periodic security reviews and software upgrades. This ongoing vigilance helped the hospital avoid any major security incidents, demonstrating the value of sustained attention to risk management.

    David Pumphrey
    David PumphreyCEO, Riveraxe LLC

    Commit to Transparency and Honesty

    One hard-earned lesson I learned as a business consultant is the importance of transparency and honesty. Early in my career, I underestimated the impact of withholding difficult truths from clients. The repercussions were significant, leading to strained relationships and missed opportunities for meaningful growth. This experience taught me the value of open communication and integrity in all my client interactions, shaping my approach to consulting with a commitment to transparency and trust.

    Andrew Griffith
    Andrew GriffithOwner, Garden Furniture

    Understand Customer Segmentation for Marketing

    One lesson I learned the hard way is the importance of deeply understanding customer segmentation before executing any marketing strategy. Early in my career, I worked with a client in a heavily-regulated market who wanted to launch a new product line. We went full steam ahead with a broad, generalized campaign, thinking we could capture a wide audience. It flopped—hard. The budget was stretched thin across channels that didn't resonate with the target audience.

    From that experience, I learned to prioritize robust customer segmentation. In a case study last year, we worked with a fintech startup to launch a new financial management tool. By diving deep into customer analytics and creating detailed personas, we identified that their ideal users were tech-savvy millennials with a specific interest in budgeting apps. We focused our resources on targeted social media ads and content tailored to that group. The result? A 35% increase in user acquisition in just three months.

    Now, I insist on using data-driven segmentation for all my clients. For example, with a boutique e-commerce client, we used purchase history and behavior data to segment their audience into high-value shoppers and bargain hunters. By tailoring our email campaigns to these segments, their open rates increased by 28%, and revenue per email went up by 40%. This approach ensures marketing efforts are not only efficient but also genuinely impactful.

    Ryan Esco
    Ryan EscoChief Marketing Officer, FireRock Marketing

    Plan Early for Business Succession

    One lesson I learned the hard way is the critical importance of having a robust business succession plan. Early on, I worked with a family-owned business that had achieved significant success over two generations. However, they had no formal succession plan. When the founder suddenly fell ill, the business was thrown into disarray. Family members were unprepared to take over, leading to infighting and a sharp decline in business performance.

    This experience taught me the necessity of planning early and involving key family members in succession discussions. We worked with another family-owned business, this time from the outset, to craft a comprehensive succession plan. We identified potential successors, assessed their qualifications, and provided training to ensure they could step into leadership roles seamlessly. As a result, when the transition eventually occurred, it was smooth, and the business continued to thrive, maintaining its strong historic business culture and reputation for integrity.

    Another hard-learned lesson involved understanding the risks of greed and promises of high returns. I recall advising a client who was lured into a private pension product sold by a convicted felon. The lack of oversight and the promise of high yields blinded them to the inherent risks. The scheme collapsed, wiping out their investments. This underscored the importance of diligence and skepticism—if something seems too good to be true, it often is. Since then, I always emphasize the importance of working with fiduciary advisers who prioritize clients' best interests and are registered with reputable organizations like NAPFA to avoid such pitfalls.

    David Blain, CFA
    David Blain, CFAChief Executive Officer, BlueSky Wealth Advisors

    Build Long-Term Client Relationships

    One of the hard lessons I learned in my career was to opt for long-term relationships over short-term benefits. In the early days of my career, I rashly neglected the needs and objectives of a client and closed a deal quite quickly. The deal was quite good in terms of profit, but the relationship became stressed due to unmet expectations and thus resulted in the loss of business and reputation. Ever since then, the lesson I learned was to spend more time understanding the objectives of the clients and to make them trust us and rely on us through consistent, value-based services.

    Presently, I deliberately work on developing long-term partnerships and concentrate on long-term clients, matching our services to clients' strategic end results that lead to mutual growth and sustainable success. This approach has built higher client satisfaction levels and led the business to grow sustainably.

    Lucas Botzen
    Lucas BotzenFounder, Rivermate

    Address Client's Specific Pain Points

    One lesson I learned the hard way as a business consultant is the importance of understanding a client's specific pain points before offering solutions. Early in my career, I made the mistake of creating a digital marketing strategy for a client that didn't align with their actual needs. Despite applying proven tactics, the results were underwhelming because the strategy was based on assumptions rather than a deep understanding of the client’s unique challenges.

    For example, in a project with a mid-size e-commerce business, I initially focused on broad digital advertising without recognizing their primary issue was a clunky user experience on their website. Realizing the misalignment, I pivoted to prioritize UX improvements, such as streamlining the checkout process and optimizing mobile performance. This shift led to a 25% increase in conversion rates within three months, showcasing the importance of customer-centric problem-solving.

    Additionally, I now incorporate customer feedback mechanisms early in the consulting process. When working with a healthcare provider on integrating a new telehealth system, we conducted surveys and focus groups with both patients and staff. This groundwork revealed crucial insights that informed the development, leading to smoother implementation and higher user satisfaction. This experience reinforced the value of listening directly to those affected by the solutions to ensure they meet real needs effectively.

    Richard Carey
    Richard CareyFounder, RCDM Studio

    Diversify Marketing Channels for Resilience

    Learned the hard way that over-reliance on one marketing channel can be disastrous. When an algorithm change tanked our traffic, it was a wake-up call to diversify strategies. Now, an integrated approach using SEO, social media, and email marketing ensures resilience and consistent engagement. This lesson underscored the importance of adaptability and balance in our digital marketing efforts.

    Daniel Lynch
    Daniel LynchPresident & Owner, Empathy First Media

    Adopt a Client-Centric Strategy Approach

    One of the hardest lessons I've learned during my tenure as Head of Inbound Growth at Businessmap is that a one-size-fits-all approach to client strategy doesn't work. This was an unforgettable learning experience from an early endeavor into the ERP software implementation. We had standardized a process that applied generically to all clients, and it fell short in meeting the unique requirements of a major client. This experience taught me to shift from a broad, standardized strategy to a more client-centric approach, ensuring each solution is tailored and beneficial to the client's specific needs.

    Now, I make it my mission to understand each company's intricacies, engage in open and honest communication, and develop bespoke strategies. This not only improved our results but also established long-term, trustful relationships with our clients. This approach, influenced by the principles of agile and continuous improvement, is now a cornerstone of my philosophy and work at Businessmap.

    Gabriel Lukov
    Gabriel LukovHead of Inbound Growth, Businessmap

    Integrate Customer Feedback into Strategy

    A hard-learned lesson was underestimating the power of customer feedback. Ignoring early feedback once led to a product flop. Now, at Dundas Life, actively seeking and integrating customer insights shapes every strategy, ensuring our solutions truly meet client needs and drive success.

    Gregory Rozdeba
    Gregory RozdebaCEO, Dundas Life

    Begin Engagements with Clear Goals

    One tough lesson learned was the importance of setting clear, achievable goals upfront. Early in my consulting career, a vague project scope led to misaligned expectations and frustration. Now, every engagement starts with precise, measurable objectives, ensuring alignment and success. Clear goals not only guide the project but also build trust and accountability with clients, shaping a more effective and focused approach.

    Gagan Saini
    Gagan SainiFounder, Sell My House Fast Boise

    Ensure Client Expectations Are Understood

    One lesson I learned the hard way as a business consultant is the importance of clear communication and setting realistic expectations with clients. Early in my career, I took on a project without fully understanding the client's expectations and ended up delivering results that, while technically correct, did not meet their needs. This misalignment led to dissatisfaction and strained our professional relationship.

    This experience has profoundly shaped my approach. Now, I prioritize detailed initial consultations to fully grasp the client's goals and needs. I ensure that both parties are on the same page by setting clear, achievable objectives and regularly updating clients on progress. This practice not only builds trust but also ensures that the final outcomes align with the client's vision.

    Always begin with a thorough discovery phase. Ask detailed questions, outline clear objectives, and establish regular check-ins to maintain alignment and address any issues promptly. This approach minimizes misunderstandings and leads to more successful project outcomes.

    Gavin Bent
    Gavin BentMarketing Executive, Ponds By Michael Wheat

    Prioritize Active Listening for Tailored Solutions

    Underestimating the importance of active listening taught a hard lesson. Missing key client nuances led to misaligned strategies. Now, prioritizing listening ensures tailored solutions that genuinely address client needs. This shift has fostered deeper trust and more impactful results.

    Jonathan Gerber
    Jonathan GerberPresident, RVW Wealth

    Conduct Rigorous Due Diligence on Partners

    Learning the significance of thorough due diligence was a pivotal lesson. Initially, insufficient research on potential partners led to unforeseen complications. This experience underscored the necessity of meticulous vetting and comprehensive background checks. Now, a rigorous due-diligence process is integral to my approach, ensuring that partnerships are solid and risks are minimized, thereby safeguarding the business's interests.

    Jeremy Resmer
    Jeremy ResmerCEO, Value Land Buyers

    Analyze Geopolitical Factors on Supply Chains

    One lesson I learned the hard way as a business consultant is the impact of geopolitical factors on supply chains, specifically the repercussions of new tariffs. Early in my career, I underestimated how rapidly changing tariff structures could disrupt material costs, profit margins, and supply chains. A particular client faced a sudden spike in costs due to Section 301 tariffs placed by the Trump administration, and I didn't have a contingency plan in place. This oversight stressed our relationship and the client's profitability.

    To mitigate such risks in the future, I now prioritize a proactive approach, analyzing all possibilities—both short- and long-term—for handling tariffs. For example, we've successfully navigated around tariffs by diversifying suppliers. By not relying exclusively on factories in just one country, we've minimized exposure to regional disruptions. During the recent shifts in tariffs targeting Chinese imports, I helped a client transition a portion of their manufacturing to Vietnam and India, resulting in a 15% reduction in overall production costs despite new tariffs.

    Another valuable insight is the importance of robust supplier relationships. With many companies, consistent in-person meetings and establishing clear communication channels have been vital. During a challenge with a rush order, we leveraged strong relationships to expedite the process, avoiding potential delays and maintaining our supply chain integrity. By increasing face-to-face interactions and adding a human touch, I observed better service and faster problem resolution from suppliers, which played a crucial role in upholding our commitments.

    Albert Brenner
    Albert BrennerCo-Owner, Altraco