How Have You Leveraged Networking to Create New Opportunities?

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    Small Biz Digest

    How Have You Leveraged Networking to Create New Opportunities?

    To uncover how entrepreneurs leverage networking to create new opportunities, we asked ten business leaders for their best strategies. From hosting interactive workshops to building genuine relationships, here are the top insights shared by founders and CEOs on effective networking techniques.

    • Host Interactive Workshops
    • Ask Non-Work-Related Questions
    • Offer Value for Free
    • Capitalize on Virtual Networking
    • Host Informal Meet-Ups
    • Reach Out to Social Media Connections
    • Attend Local Events
    • Participate in Industry Forums
    • Leverage Online Communities
    • Build Genuine Relationships

    Host Interactive Workshops

    Running interactive workshops has really helped my business grow. These workshops allow me to showcase my expertise in a hands-on way and connect with people who are genuinely interested in my field.

    By engaging directly with participants, I build trust and demonstrate the value of my services. This approach not only attracts potential clients but also creates partnerships. People leave the workshops feeling informed and connected, making it easier to turn those interactions into real business opportunities.

    Matias Rodsevich
    Matias RodsevichFounder & CEO, PRLab

    Ask Non-Work-Related Questions

    Successful networking should not be about giving business cards or polished sales pitches. To really leverage networking, ask non-work-related questions. Think of interacting with a new contact as you would at a kitchen party. Forget trying to sell and treat people as a dollar sign. It’s key to forge a genuine relationship. New opportunities will be created when people like and trust one another. Networking really works when done the right way!

    Jarrod Goldsmith
    Jarrod GoldsmithFounder, eSAX (The Entrepreneur Social Advantage Experience)

    Offer Value for Free

    Early on in my business, I networked by offering value for free. Specifically, I joined relevant Facebook groups in my niche because I knew that it would be easier to find clients that way. And it worked: One person I'd helped for free reached out and asked if she could pay me to keep helping her. Because she had gotten so much support from me, she instantly agreed to my rate of $5K. Ultimately, to network effectively, focus on giving prospective clients an idea of the kinds of results they could get if they worked with you. Then, over-deliver on those results. That's how you'll build a good reputation and expand your network.

    Luisa Zhou
    Luisa ZhouFounder,

    Capitalize on Virtual Networking

    We capitalize on virtual networking through webinars and online forums. Hosting webinars on topics like 'Maximizing ROI with SEO' or 'E-commerce Strategies for Small Businesses' allows us to connect with a broader audience without geographical limits. Participating in and moderating discussions in online forums dedicated to digital marketing and e-commerce has helped us keep our finger on the pulse of industry challenges and innovations. These activities not only generate leads but also provide insights into the needs and concerns of potential clients, allowing us to tailor our services more effectively. Through these platforms, we've increased our lead generation by 40% in the last six months alone.

    Marc Bishop
    Marc BishopDirector, Wytlabs

    Host Informal Meet-Ups

    Networking has been a cornerstone of my business growth strategy, allowing me to forge valuable connections that have led to new opportunities. I prioritize building genuine relationships by engaging with industry peers at conferences, participating in webinars, and joining online communities where I can share insights and learn from others.

    One unique approach I’ve taken is to host small, informal meet-ups with professionals from complementary fields. These gatherings foster collaboration and have often resulted in partnerships that extend our service offerings or open new markets. For example, a casual coffee meeting with a web-development agency led to a strategic partnership where we now offer bundled services to clients, creating a win-win situation for both companies.

    Marcus Clarke
    Marcus ClarkeOwner, Searchant

    Reach Out to Social Media Connections

    As an entrepreneur, leveraging networking to create new opportunities has been a cornerstone of my business strategy. Every time I travel, I proactively reach out to my social media connections and professional network to identify individuals who are residing or working in the city I'm visiting. I contact them well in advance, sharing my schedule and expressing my interest in meeting them. These meetings are typically without any strict agenda, as I believe that genuine connections are fostered through organic conversations.

    During these meetings, I showcase our work and discuss our current projects, inviting my contacts to share their insights and express any interest they or someone in their organization might have in our offerings. Additionally, I ask for introductions to other professionals who might benefit from what we do. This approach has opened numerous doors to new opportunities and collaborations. Even in cases where no immediate opportunity arises, the gesture of reaching out and engaging in meaningful conversations leaves a positive impression and strengthens relationships.

    For my purely social connections, I usually set a specific agenda for our discussions. If they find the proposed topics suitable, we then set a time to meet. This ensures that our interactions are purposeful and respectful of their time.

    I firmly believe that networking should never feel forced. It is crucial to approach it with authenticity, focusing on nurturing relationships rather than purely transactional interactions. No one wants to feel used or sold to without any prior engagement or pleasantries. Effective networking is about building bonds and creating a sense of camaraderie. By prioritizing genuine interactions and fostering long-term relationships, I have been able to leverage networking as a powerful tool for creating new business opportunities.

    Arnab Ray
    Arnab RayCEO, PresentationGFX

    Attend Local Events

    About 7 months into my business, I moved from Massachusetts to South Carolina. I didn't know a single person down here, so I had to really put myself out there to immerse myself in a new state. Here's how I've leveraged networking:

    1. Local events: I attended farmers markets, business expos, networking events, and even joined a book club for entrepreneurs. These proved invaluable for meeting potential clients and fellow entrepreneurs.

    2. Social media: Local Facebook groups have been a great way to meet new people. I also use Instagram, Reddit, and LinkedIn to expand my network.

    3. Seizing opportunities: My boyfriend actually did this one for me, but he noticed a vendor at a farmers market who needed marketing help. He shared my contact info, which led to a new client and a subsequent referral. Whether it be family, friends, or clients, getting people to sell for you is huge!

    4. Follow-ups: After meeting people at various events, I connected with them on LinkedIn to share my services and maintain professional relationships.

    5. Collaboration: Networking with other entrepreneurs has led to mutual support and shared opportunities.

    The key takeaway is to be open to every chance to meet new people. You never know who might become a client, provide a referral, or offer valuable connections!

    Alex O'Neil
    Alex O'NeilOwner, City on the Hill Consultancy

    Participate in Industry Forums

    Networking has been a cornerstone of my entrepreneurial journey. From the early days of Tecknotrove, building relationships with industry experts, clients, and partners has opened doors to opportunities that might not have been possible otherwise. By actively participating in industry forums and conferences, I’ve been able to stay ahead of trends, learn from peers, and establish credibility in the simulation space.

    Moreover, collaboration with stakeholders from various sectors has allowed us to co-create solutions tailored to specific industry needs, leading to innovative products and services. These connections have not only helped us gain insights into emerging markets but also fostered partnerships that have been instrumental in expanding our global footprint. Networking isn’t just about exchanging business cards; it’s about creating value through meaningful interactions, and this has been crucial to Tecknotrove's growth and success.

    Payal Gupta
    Payal GuptaCo Founder, Tecknotrove

    Leverage Online Communities

    Networking is crucial for my business. It is not, however, in the traditional sense of attending endless events or cold-calling potential partners. Instead, I've leveraged the power of online communities to build genuine relationships. It amazingly often leads to unexpected opportunities.

    The crucial part is, I don't network with the immediate intention of making a sale or securing a deal. Instead, I focus on providing value first—sharing insights, offering support, or connecting with others in my network.

    This approach, in my opinion, has fostered trust in my industry, leading to opportunities I never imagined. For instance, a casual conversation in a LinkedIn group became a collaboration on a major project simply because I took the time to help someone solve a problem. The key is to be authentic and patient, nurturing relationships rather than trying to "close" them. It's a slower burn but one that yields sustainable, long-term results.

    I think this is the best way to gain the trust of others, and in leveraging networking for your business, I suggest starting by offering them value with no strings attached. The rewards will follow.

    Nicholas Robb
    Nicholas RobbLifestyle business expert, Life by Design

    Build Genuine Relationships

    For me, networking is mostly about creating true, enduring relationships. Relationships are everything in Brazil; as a result, I have grown my company accordingly. When I once ran across a neighborhood florist at a community function, we clicked right away.

    We decided to work together and provide gift-based, combined bundles, including flowers. This cooperation not only increased our sales but also gave our goods a fresh, local touch. My tip is to focus on building genuine relationships with individuals who share your vision and beliefs, rather than just networking for fun.

    Danilo Miranda
    Danilo MirandaManaging Director, Presenteverso