How Do You Incorporate Customer Feedback into Product Development?

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    Small Biz Digest

    How Do You Incorporate Customer Feedback into Product Development?

    In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, customer feedback is a pivotal force in shaping products and services. We've gathered thirty-three diverse perspectives, including CEOs and Founders, to reveal how they've successfully integrated customer insights into their development processes. From refining products with user feedback to simplifying job applications based on candidate experiences, these entrepreneurs share their invaluable strategies.

    • Refining Products with User Feedback
    • Implementing Suggestions from Power-Users
    • Combining NPS and Intercom for Feedback
    • Revamping Services Based on Client Insights
    • Logging Customer Service Feedback for Development
    • Developing Services in Response to Client Needs
    • Creating Eco-Friendly Products from Customer Requests
    • Adding Features Based on User Surveys
    • Redesigning Products Following Customer Input
    • Incorporating VoC into Product Roadmapping
    • Enhancing Onboarding and Tools via Feedback
    • Redesigning Website from Customer Suggestions
    • Analyzing Feedback to Improve Client Services
    • Launching New Services Based on Customer Needs
    • Developing Features from User Feedback
    • Revamping Designs Following Customer Preferences
    • Gathering Insights Through Virtual Reality Feedback
    • Utilizing Surveys for Product Development Insights
    • Revamping Fashion Lines Based on Customer Feedback
    • Improving Construction Services Through Client Input
    • Revamping Systems from Customer Communication
    • Optimizing Support with AI Chatbots
    • Enhancing Auto Transport Services from Feedback
    • Launching Reward Program for Community Contributions
    • Developing Support Systems from Integrator Feedback
    • Introducing Eco-Friendly Tours from Client Requests
    • Revamping Coupon Platform with User Feedback
    • Specializing in Alloys Based on Client Demand
    • Creating Co-Designed Products from Customer Ideas
    • Refining Spa Services with Direct Client Feedback
    • Driving Improvements from Systematic Customer Insights
    • Tailoring Marketing Advice to Client Preferences
    • Simplifying Job Applications from Candidate Feedback

    Refining Products with User Feedback

    At Ling, we rely heavily on customer feedback to continually refine and upgrade our product. It's far from just a routine practice. Feedback is central to our development and enhancement process. When users reported that they were struggling with pronunciation exercises, we took action right away. We improved the interactive voice recognition system through the input we were given.

    In another case, users pointed out that our word association games were getting repetitive, so we introduced a wider variety of games to keep users engaged with the learning process. Furthermore, following requests for more content, our team worked tirelessly to provide language learners with rich, culture-related content across 60+ languages. This hands-on approach to user feedback has played a key role in Ling's growth, as demonstrated by our 10 million downloads milestone.

    Simon Bacher
    Simon BacherCEO and Co-founder, Ling

    Implementing Suggestions from Power-Users

    I regularly ask users for feedback and ideas on how to improve our product, and we make it a priority to implement their suggestions. Additionally, we use our own product extensively as power-users, incorporating our own 'customer feedback.' This practice of 'drinking our own Kool-Aid' is hugely valuable, as it helps us identify and address issues firsthand, ensuring the product continually evolves to meet real-world needs.

    Justin Silverman
    Justin SilvermanFounder & CEO, Merchynt

    Combining NPS and Intercom for Feedback

    At ZenMaid, we incorporate customer feedback into our product development process using a combination of Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Intercom. NPS provides genuine insights into customer sentiments by asking them to rate their experience and explain their reasons. We set up an online NPS questionnaire to gather quick and comprehensive feedback. Analyzing these responses helps us pinpoint areas for improvement and generate new feature ideas.

    Intercom complements this by enabling real-time support, allowing us to connect personally with customers and provide immediate responses. This synergy between NPS for in-depth feedback and Intercom for instant support allows us to address issues promptly, showing our customers that we are listening and responsive. This approach significantly strengthens customer relationships and enhances overall satisfaction.

    Amar Ghose
    Amar GhoseCEO, ZenMaid

    Revamping Services Based on Client Insights

    Every piece of customer feedback is a treasure-trove of insights that we incorporate into our development process. For instance, we actively seek feedback through regular surveys and client meetings, allowing us to identify specific needs and pain points. One notable example is how we revamped our virtual office offerings after noticing a recurring request for more flexible plans. By adapting our service packages based on this feedback, we improved customer satisfaction and attracted a new segment of clients. This proactive approach ensures that our services remain relevant and highly valued.

    Hayim Grant
    Hayim GrantFounder and President, Corporate Suites

    Logging Customer Service Feedback for Development

    Customer service interactions are a cornerstone of our product development process. Every day, our dedicated customer service team engages with our clients, listening to their experiences, addressing their concerns, and noting their suggestions. We take these interactions seriously, logging detailed feedback into our system to identify common themes and areas for improvement. This information is regularly reviewed and shared across our product development teams, ensuring that the voice of our customers is at the heart of our innovation.

    Any business can use these interactions to refine their existing products and develop new offerings that truly resonate with their customer base. I think it's also important to follow up on every resolved customer service issue with a feedback form, seeking additional insights into their experience and how we can do better. This continuous loop of communication not only helps us improve our products but also builds stronger relationships with our customers. Their feedback directly influences our ingredient choices, formulation processes, and even packaging designs, allowing us to create products that meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness.

    Daisy Cabral
    Daisy CabralDynamic CEO, Bella All Natural

    Developing Services in Response to Client Needs

    At Cleartail Marketing, customer feedback has been invaluable in shaping and enhancing our services. For instance, clients often expressed frustration with managing and responding to online reviews. We took this feedback seriously and developed a comprehensive reputation management service that includes review monitoring, reporting, and removal of inappropriate reviews. As a result, one B2B client's reputation improved dramatically, amassing 170 five-star reviews within a two-week period on their Google Listing.

    Another significant feedback-driven development was our approach to LinkedIn Outreach. Initially, clients struggled to generate meaningful engagement on the platform. Based on their input, we refined our LinkedIn strategies to focus more on personalized and targeted outreach. This shift led to a measurable impact: One client added over 400 emails per month to their email list and scheduled 40+ qualified sales calls monthly from LinkedIn and cold email campaigns.

    Additionally, feedback on lead scoring highlighted the need for more frequent updates. Clients noted that their lead score strategies quickly became outdated. To address this, we began reviewing and updating lead scores weekly, which helped businesses better prioritize leads. This approach was particularly beneficial for smaller businesses, allowing them to focus their limited resources on leads with the highest conversion potential, leading to improved sales outcomes.

    Magee Clegg
    Magee CleggCEO, Cleartail Marketing

    Creating Eco-Friendly Products from Customer Requests

    Listening to our customers has been instrumental in guiding our company's growth. One standout example of this is when we responded to repeated requests for an alternative to plastic cling wrap by developing a plant-based, reusable cling film. To ensure we addressed our customers' needs accurately, we conducted surveys and held focus groups to gather insights into their preferences and challenges. Using this valuable feedback, we delved into extensive research and development to create a cling film that matched the performance of traditional plastic wrap while staying true to our eco-friendly values.

    Our efforts were rewarded when our plant-based cling film became a significant success. In just three months after its launch, it contributed to 33% of our total revenue, exceeding all expectations. The overwhelmingly positive reception from our customers underscored the importance of integrating their feedback into our product development process. Not only did it enhance customer loyalty, but it also propelled our mission of offering sustainable alternatives to plastic.

    Chaitsi Ahuja
    Chaitsi AhujaFounder & CEO, Brown Living

    Adding Features Based on User Surveys

    As a young FinTech startup, we have to listen to our customers' needs and feedback when planning new features in our software.

    For example, we ran a survey among our users about the next stock market they'd like to be added to our cross-market portfolio analysis tool (the answer was LSE, London Stock Exchange, and that is what we'll be adding next month to our other markets available in the product).

    We also have a feedback form incorporated in our 'new users follow-up' emails, where they give feedback about the most useful features they found in our application and tell us what other functionality would be useful for them. All responses are considered in our planning of the future roadmap.

    Dr Laura Rusu
    Dr Laura RusuCEO, LENSELL

    Redesigning Products Following Customer Input

    In my experience as an entrepreneur, incorporating customer feedback has been pivotal in shaping product development and service enhancements. At OTelNet, we initially launched several SMS-based applications that we thought were innovative. However, early feedback revealed that users found the interface challenging and the offerings not entirely aligning with their needs. We took this feedback seriously and redesigned the UI to be more intuitive and shifted focus to features our customers prioritized, such as seamless integration with major telecom providers like Verizon and Vodafone. As a result, customer satisfaction improved significantly, contributing to our successful acquisition by Telecommunication Systems (TSYS).

    Similarly, at PINC Solutions, customer feedback was instrumental in refining our asset tracking software. Clients in the supply chain industry emphasized the need for higher accuracy and reduced operational costs. Based on these inputs, we enhanced our platform to provide better real-time visibility and partnered closely with customers to tailor solutions specific to their logistics challenges. This collaboration led to a significant improvement in shipment accuracy and a reduction in delivery times, making PINC a leader in the yard management market and achieving an ARR of over $10M.

    Lastly, at 11Sight, we've integrated customer feedback deeply into our development cycle. Early users highlighted the need for more effective lead qualification and follow-up processes. We responded by introducing AI-driven chatbots to capture and qualify leads, ensuring that high-intent prospects are instantly escalated to live conversations with our team. This innovation has not only enhanced our user engagement but also increased our conversion rates, making our platform more efficient and valuable for enterprise clients. Incorporating these changes based on direct customer feedback has allowed us to fulfill our mission of driving revenue efficiency through smart inbound solutions.

    Aleks Gollu
    Aleks GolluFounder, 11Sight

    Incorporating VoC into Product Roadmapping

    At Cratejoy, we consistently incorporate the customer voice into both current and future projects. Customer feedback is crucial for our product roadmap. One proactive way we've adopted a roadmapping method based on feedback is by including the voice of the customer (VoC) in the planning stages. A big part of planning our next steps is listening to what our customers have to say and learning from how they've used our present products.

    Getting our teams on board is an important part of how we incorporate comments into the roadmap. Because they are so close to our users, our sales and customer success (CS) teams are great partners in this work. They help collect feedback and give it more meaning. Getting feedback from sales and customer service not only helps us get better data, but it also gives these teams the tools they need to have better conversations with customers and prospects. Our product operations team, in my opinion, is a great resource for keeping our teams that interact with customers coordinated and up to date on developments in the product space.

    Amir Elaguizy
    Amir ElaguizyCEO and Co-Founder, Cratejoy, Inc

    Enhancing Onboarding and Tools via Feedback

    At Rockerbox, incorporating customer feedback has been fundamental to our product and service development process. One clear example of this is our approach to onboarding new hires. Initially, our onboarding process was relatively static, but through gathering feedback in one-on-one meetings and surveys, we realized that new employees felt the process was too rushed and lacked a personal touch. By treating onboarding as a dynamic, changing process, we've managed to enhance the training pace and integrate more personalized elements, which has significantly improved employee satisfaction and retention.

    We also applied customer feedback rigorously in optimizing our Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) screening tool. Restaurant owners and other small businesses we work with mentioned that the previous system was cumbersome and often led to missed opportunities for tax credits. By embedding our WOTC screening within StaffedUp’s hiring system, we created a user-friendly, efficient process. This change not only streamlined tax credit claims but also improved cash flow for our clients, contributing to tangible ROI improvements.

    Another notable instance is our collaboration with small tech firms on R&D tax credits. Many of these firms found the documentation process overwhelming. Based on this feedback, we simplified the compliance documentation process, incorporating more robust modeling and simulation tools. This not only made it easier for clients to qualify for the credits but also ensured they could maximize their financial benefits, fostering innovation and growth within their organizations.

    By consistently valuing and acting upon customer feedback, we've been able to tailor our solutions to better meet the needs of small businesses, providing them with the tools they need to thrive.

    Philip Wentworth, Jr
    Philip Wentworth, JrCo-Founder and CEO, Rockerbox

    Redesigning Website from Customer Suggestions

    In marketing and development, we mostly get feedback from clients. However, there was one incident that was a surprise, one for sure.

    A customer reached out to us, stating how our website needs to be redesigned for a better user interface. It was during the early months of our organization. I still remember he clearly mentioned, "Please make it easier to find your contact info and add a hover feature."

    Well, that's what we did.

    However, I do want to mention that it's not just about making changes, though. It's about learning from your customers and how you can serve them better.

    Hope this helps. If you have any questions, do let me know.

    Rahul Vij
    Rahul VijCo Founder, WebSpero Solutions

    Analyzing Feedback to Improve Client Services

    We actively solicit feedback through surveys, client interviews, and regular check-ins. This feedback helps us identify pain points and areas for improvement.

    We hold quarterly review sessions to analyze feedback trends and brainstorm enhancements. We've improved our services and strengthened client relationships and satisfaction by directly addressing customer needs and preferences.

    Marcus Clarke
    Marcus ClarkeOwner, Searchant

    Launching New Services Based on Customer Needs

    Incorporating customer feedback has been pivotal to the evolution of KetieStory. Early on, we implemented a structured feedback loop through post-purchase surveys and personalized follow-up emails. One particular insight from customers was the desire for more customization options in our artificial wedding flowers. This feedback led to the launch of our bespoke floral design service, significantly boosting customer satisfaction and engagement. By actively listening and responding to our clients' needs, we've built a more resilient and customer-centric business model, demonstrating that consumer insight is valuable and essential to sustained growth.

    Ketie Zhang
    Ketie ZhangFounder, Ketie Story

    Developing Features from User Feedback

    Customer feedback shaped our 'Titles Evaluation' feature.

    When we noticed frequent comments about our AI article generation lacking a way to evaluate the effectiveness of titles, we sprang into action.

    We started by taking a deep dive into each piece of feedback. This helped us grasp common pain points and understand exactly what our users were looking for. Our team then brainstormed and developed the 'Titles Evaluation' feature.

    This feature helps brands assess the potential impact of their headlines before publishing. And it wouldn't have been possible without our users' invaluable insights.

    Tim Hanson
    Tim HansonChief Creative Officer, PenFriend

    Revamping Designs Following Customer Preferences

    Customer feedback plays a huge role in how we develop our products at Southwestern Rugs Depot. Realizing that our customers are the ultimate users of our rugs, we treat their feedback like gold. For instance, when customers started pointing out that some rug designs could use more vibrant colors, we didn't just nod and move on. We immediately went back to our design team and reworked those patterns, focusing on adding the rich, bold hues that our customers were craving. This not only made our rugs more appealing but also showed our customers that we value their opinions.

    Listening actively also helped us improve our customer service. Some early feedback indicated that our website could be more user-friendly. Taking this to heart, we revamped our site to make it more intuitive. Now, finding the perfect rug is easier than ever, and we've seen a notable uptick in customer satisfaction as a result. Essentially, customer feedback isn't just heard—it's integrated into our daily operations, ensuring that we're always meeting and exceeding customer expectations. This ongoing dialogue helps us keep our product line fresh and our service top-notch.

    Connor Butterworth
    Connor ButterworthCEO & Owner, Southwestern Rugs Depot

    Gathering Insights Through Virtual Reality Feedback

    At Pixune, we view customer feedback as invaluable insights guiding our evolution. Through regular surveys, direct communication channels, and user-testing sessions, we gather feedback on our 3D animation, game art, and character design services. Unique to Pixune, we employ immersive virtual reality experiences to solicit feedback, allowing clients to interact with our creations firsthand. We analyze feedback meticulously, identifying recurring themes and areas for improvement. This iterative approach ensures that our products and services align closely with client needs and industry trends, solidifying our reputation for delivering exceptional and tailored solutions in the dynamic world of digital media.

    Mohammad Goodarzi
    Mohammad GoodarziCo-Founder, Pixune Studios

    Utilizing Surveys for Product Development Insights

    When you're product-led, it's crucial to get feedback from your customers when you're developing a product because it needs to serve the user.

    I love adding a CTA at the bottom of my newsletter with a simple, low-friction survey asking one or two poignant and timely questions about how they use the product and how they'd like to use the product. I also ask for feature suggestions.

    Inge Von Aulock
    Inge Von AulockCEO, Top Apps

    Revamping Fashion Lines Based on Customer Feedback

    In the fast-paced world of high-end fashion, customer feedback has played an integral role in the development of my brand, Amarra. From the choice of fabric and design to broader thematic selections, their insights have often driven our creative process. After launching a prom collection, we received feedback from customers preferring hand-beaded gowns to sequined ones. This led us to overhaul a significant part of our next collection, focusing on intricate hand-beaded designs, which turned out to be our bestseller.

    We also introduced a unique Customer Design Feature on our website after a series of customer interactions indicated a demand for personalized style elements. This feature enabled users to provide direct input on preferred styles, materials, and embellishments, essentially transforming them into designers. The collaborative process resulted in a product line that resonated more deeply with our clientele, leading to increased customer loyalty and company growth.

    Abhi Madan
    Abhi MadanCo-Founder & Creative Director, Amarra

    Improving Construction Services Through Client Input

    At Norman Builders, incorporating customer feedback has been essential to our growth and the quality of our work. One clear example is from a significant structural project, where clients needed extensive framing, roofing, plumbing, and HVAC work. Throughout the process, I ensured transparent communication by keeping the clients informed about each stage and allowing them to text or call me at any time for updates. This approach kept the project on track and significantly alleviated the stress for the clients, leading to a successful completion ahead of schedule and on budget.

    Another instance where we listened closely to our customers was during a deck and screen room addition. Clients initially had a basic design in mind, but after our consultations and improvements on their initial ideas, we delivered a product that maximized their budget without compromising quality. Flexibility in handling unplanned additional work and maintaining a neat work area were also priorities based on previous feedback. This resulted in highly satisfied customers who have expressed their willingness to engage us for future projects.

    Additionally, feedback on our kitchen and bathroom remodels has been invaluable. Clients wanted more intuitive design solutions and better use of space. By incorporating their suggestions, we expanded functionalities like storage solutions and modernized fixtures. For example, one project evolved from a simple kitchen remodel to include a master bathroom and closet addition, significantly increasing both living space and home value. This comprehensive and adaptable approach, guided by direct customer feedback, has led to numerous positive reviews and referrals, cementing our reputation for excellence and reliability.

    Ryan Norman
    Ryan NormanFounder, Norman Builders

    Revamping Systems from Customer Communication

    I've seen that using customer feedback is a powerful way to improve our services. I'm always on the phone or online, digging into what our clients have to say about everything from our customer service to the delivery of products, and more. With this main source of strategies, I've been able to revamp our scheduling system and improve the training for our team.

    I don't stop there either. I also set up customer communication and make sure it's known how clients can get in touch. I need a place for clients to know where they can get the latest updates on their orders and find the help they need. The extra focus on this has really opened up the lines of communication, which makes everything crystal clear for our customers. It's all about strengthening trust and keeping those relationships solid. Trust me, it makes all the difference!

    Ben Whitmarsh
    Ben WhitmarshOwner and Managing Director, Generators for Export

    Optimizing Support with AI Chatbots

    Customer feedback prompted us to try to optimize our customer support, so we implemented AI chatbots on our product pages to help guide customers' experiences. The chatbot bubble can act as FAQs and customer support, suggest relevant articles or products, and collect data and statistics to accurately suggest relevant content or guidance. We ask for feedback regularly through email and other channels and want to understand what best serves our customers to ensure they feel comfortable and heard.

    The chatbots at least allow them to communicate with someone immediately and be advised faster than an agent might get to them. The chatbots ultimately help us triage and serve customers faster. Brands today must approach customer support with a caring ear and careful presentation, especially if your business has anything to do with improving one's quality of life or accessibility. Miscommunications happen regularly and easily, so it's better for customer care teams to avoid making assumptions and always ask for clarification on any issues or demands.

    Daniel Kroytor
    Daniel KroytorFounder and Director, Tailored Pay

    Enhancing Auto Transport Services from Feedback

    In the vehicle transport industry, customer feedback has been crucial in enhancing service delivery for my company, Nationwide United Auto Transport. We noticed that a significant number of our clients were anxious about their vehicle's safety during transport. Based on that feedback, we introduced enclosed transport to add another layer of protection and peace of mind for the customers. Additionally, clients highlighted the need for status updates while their vehicle was in transit. As a response, we implemented a tracking system, providing real-time updates and easing our customers' anxiety. We firmly believe that customer feedback can translate into service improvements and, ultimately, business growth.

    Chris Estrada
    Chris EstradaCEO & Founder, Nationwide United Auto Transport

    Launching Reward Program for Community Contributions

    As a couponing platform, we kept hearing from users who were passionate about sharing coupons with friends and family. They wanted a way to spread the savings joy on the platform by contributing to our selection of coupons. This valuable feedback sparked a fire in our product development team. We took the core idea of community coupon sharing and ran with it, but added another element—rewarding users for their finds. We wanted to incentivize users to find and contribute high-quality coupons. That's how the Pays-2-Share program was born, and it basically rewards users for sharing great deals, keeping the platform fresh with valuable offers.

    It’s a great win-win scenario because our community gets access to a wider range of deals, and our users are rewarded for their contributions.

    Gary Gray
    Gary GrayCEO,

    Developing Support Systems from Integrator Feedback

    In my experience at Daisy, customer feedback has been instrumental in shaping our product and service offerings. One clear example is when we realized integrators were struggling to implement a recurring service model due to their small staffs and daily operational demands. Based on this feedback, we developed a comprehensive support system that includes operational, sales, marketing, and tech support. This not only alleviated their workload but also proved profitable and added value to their businesses.

    Another instance where customer input was crucial involved our smart business solutions. Clients expressed the need for better energy management and enhanced security in commercial spaces. We responded by incorporating advanced energy monitoring systems and top-tier security features. This proactive approach helped streamline operations and provided peace of mind for business owners, significantly increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    We also paid close attention to feedback regarding the complexity of smart home installations. Many customers highlighted that the integration process was too technical and overwhelming. To address this, our team developed wildly simple solutions and partnered with leading home automation companies to offer clear, easy-to-understand setups. This focus on simplicity and user experience has fostered a deeper connection with our customers, creating a sense of security and joy in their smart homes.

    Hagan Kappler
    Hagan KapplerCEO, Daisy

    Introducing Eco-Friendly Tours from Client Requests

    Incorporating customer feedback has been pivotal in shaping the success of Auckland & Beyond Tours. One specific example is when we noticed increasing requests for eco-friendly tour options. We quickly responded by introducing sustainable travel packages, featuring electric-vehicle tours and promoting eco-conscious activities. This not only met our clients' desires for greener travel but also aligned with our commitment to environmental stewardship. Listening to our customers' needs and swiftly adapting our offerings has greatly enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    Peter Hamdy
    Peter HamdyCo-Founder and Managing Director, Auckland & Beyond Tours

    Revamping Coupon Platform with User Feedback

    Effectively using customer feedback has always been central to our strategy at DealA. We started gathering feedback at every interaction point—from user registration to coupon redemption—to get varied perspectives. This constant flow of information led us to introduce a favorite feature among users: a 'Most Searched Deals' section. This was a direct outcome of noticing frequent searches for specific brands.

    Another great example is the implementation of a detailed rating and review process. Our users expressed their desire to share experiences and read others' reviews on specific deals. This request was not just implemented but extended to a point where now our algorithm features the top-rated deals more prominently. These are living examples of how customer feedback transformed DealA into a leading coupon platform, satisfying thousands of online shoppers.

    Oleg Segal
    Oleg SegalCEO & Founder, DealA

    Specializing in Alloys Based on Client Demand

    Incorporating customer feedback into our operations at Able Hardware has been pivotal in our success and growth. I've always deeply valued our customers' insights. For instance, in the initial stages, our product packaging wasn't highly impressive; based on customer reviews, we revamped our packaging to make it more robust and user-friendly, substantially boosting our customer satisfaction rates. Another example is our shift towards specializing in alloys. We initially focused on carbon steel, but feedback from key industrial clients revealed a growing demand for alloy-based products. In response, we invested in specialty alloy metal material factories that now represent a significant business segment. These adaptations, inspired by customer feedback, have been crucial in keeping Able Hardware at the forefront of the metal fabrication industry.

    Jason Woo
    Jason WooOwner, Able Hardware

    Creating Co-Designed Products from Customer Ideas

    We believe in the power of listening to our customers. When it comes to incorporating customer feedback into our product development process, we take a proactive approach. We have implemented a system where every piece of feedback is carefully analyzed and categorized. In the past year alone, we have received over 559 feedback submissions from our customers. From suggestions on new designs to requests for improved sizing options, we take each comment seriously. One of our most popular designs, the "Adventure Seeker" t-shirt, was actually inspired by a customer's idea shared through our feedback form.

    We truly value the input of our customers, as they are the ones who ultimately shape our brand.

    As we like to say, "Our customers are not just buyers; they are our co-creators." By incorporating their feedback into our product development process, we are able to create clothing and accessories that resonate with our audience on a deeper level.

    Nikhil Soni
    Nikhil SoniFounder, The Tribe Kids

    Refining Spa Services with Direct Client Feedback

    Listening directly to our customers has been a game-changer at Infinity Laser Spa. After treatments, we actively seek out feedback from our clients through surveys or face-to-face discussions. This feedback goes straight to our training teams. When clients pointed out that some sessions felt longer than expected, we optimized our scheduling system and adjusted our machine settings. Now, our treatments are not only more efficient but also more comfortable for our clients. This loop of gathering insights and immediately implementing changes has helped us refine every aspect of our service, maintaining our reputation for excellence and trust.

    Sam Rock
    Sam RockOperations Manager, Infinity Laser Spa

    Driving Improvements from Systematic Customer Insights

    Incorporating customer feedback into the product or service development process is a strategic approach that involves systematically gathering insights from clients. By leveraging this data, we drive improvements and foster innovation. Our proactive feedback-collection methods span various channels, including post-service surveys, online reviews, and direct customer interactions, to identify recurring pain points, preferences, and suggestions.

    For example, if multiple customers raise concerns about service responsiveness or unit efficiency, we prioritize addressing these areas. Scheduled meetings with our product development and service teams serve as forums to deliberate on feedback and generate viable solutions. This collaborative effort enables us to optimize the performance, reliability, and user-friendliness of our air-conditioning units and services, ensuring they not only meet but exceed customer expectations. This customer-centric approach underscores our commitment to enhancing satisfaction, cultivating loyalty, and promoting positive word-of-mouth referrals.

    Erika Friedrich
    Erika FriedrichOperations Manager, A-Temp Heating & Cooling Inc.

    Tailoring Marketing Advice to Client Preferences

    As a marketing consultant, I have to be cautious with delivering my marketing advice in a manner that doesn't make business owners feel like I'm telling them what to do. While some clients may come to me to tell them what to do, others may feel skeptical or protective over larger business marketing decisions.

    When working with clients, I make sure to use the words 'I suggest,' 'I recommend,' 'Here's what I would do,' or 'I would advise,' while also providing an educational piece for them to understand why I'm making my recommendations based on data and my experience.

    I ensure to follow up immediately, asking them how they feel about my recommendations, if they have any questions, and if it's a plan that sounds feasible for their unique situation. This creates an open discussion and lets them know that I value their opinions and thoughts on the marketing strategy I'm proposing.

    Lastly, throughout my time working with each client, I ensure to have frequent check-ins on how they feel things are going. When I'm done working with a client, I always send a feedback form for them to fill out so I can incorporate their input into my future service offerings to continuously improve how I'm serving my clients.

    Lauren Galvez
    Lauren GalvezSEO Consultant,

    Simplifying Job Applications from Candidate Feedback

    As the owner of a career hub for fellow physician assistants, I've paid close attention to complaints about the modern job hunt. Candidates often tell me that they are sick of redundant and overly complicated applications. For example, sites that ask them to fill out a work history in addition to uploading their resume.

    This feedback reminded me that while a complex system can feel impressive, if usability suffers, you must simplify.

    I think this is a good lesson for all entrepreneurs. We can get so caught up in the details of development that we forget to put ourselves in the customer's shoes. For them, less is often more, and all those features and options we loved building are actually a detriment to service and utility.

    From their perspective, a basic, essentialized, and less flashy process is often preferred.

    Carlos da Silva
    Carlos da SilvaPhysician Assistant, PA Career Hub